Tile Rite Mosaic Backer (MMB766)

Mosaic Mesh Backer instantly makes mosaic tile sheets rigid and level making them easier to fix & eliminates lipping Can be used to pack out your mosaics to match a thicker field tile Self adhesive, easy to apply, no hassle! Easy to cut with a knife, no loss of mosaic versatility 300mm x 300mm, fits a standard mosaic sheet Keeps mosaics evenly spaced, no need for spacers

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Mosaic Mesh Backer instantly makes mosaic tile sheets rigid and level making them easier to fix & eliminates lipping Can be used to pack out your mosaics to match a thicker field tile Self adhesive, easy to apply, no hassle! Easy to cut with a knife, no loss of mosaic versatility 300mm x 300mm, fits a standard mosaic sheet Keeps mosaics evenly spaced, no need for spacers